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Research Topics in Database Management

Instructor: Niv Dayan

Lectures: Wednesday 14:00-16:00 (HS 618)

Office Hours: after each class

Abstract Bridge

Bigger, Faster, and Stronger Systems

This is a research seminar course on database systems and their inner data structures. We will read exciting papers to aquaint ourselves with the state-of-the-art constructions to understand where the field is and where it's going. You will also pursue a fun research project of your choice, in which you will impleemnt and evaluate some of the methods we learn about. 

Reading & Presenting Research Papers

A core part of this course is reading and digesting research papers from the database research community. Throughout the course, we will cover approximately 20 research papers. Each student will present two papers to the class along with a classmate. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session with the class. 

Research Project

Throughout the course, you will propose and pursue a research project that involves implementing and benchmarking some technqiue or method that we covered in class. Project proposals will be due approximately half-way through the course. These projects will be done in pairs. A project report will be due in the end of the course. 

Office Hours

There will be office hours immediately after each class. In addition, students are encouraged to book office hours with the instructor, especially before class presentations to ensure high quality. 

Student Participation

As this is a course with a small class, students are required to address classes in person. Students are strongly encouraged to particpate in the Q&A session after each paper presentation. 

Class Structure

Each class will begin with a 30-40 minute lecture by the instructor covering core techniques. The rest of each class will consist of two paper presentations by your peers. 

Oral Exam

At the end of the course, the instructor will hold an oral exam to test students about the course content and project. 

Grade Components 

The final grade for each student will derived based on their presentations, project, and class participation. The precise grade breakdown will be announced in the first few weeks of the course. 


Students should have taken the courses listed in here, or have equivalent knowledge in algorithms, data structures, relational algebra, SQL, and operating systems. Hands-on experience with C/C++, Java or Python is also required. Ideally, students should also have taken a course similar to CSC2525H/CSC443H

Academic Integrity

The project hand-ins must be the group’s own work. It is an academic violation to copy code or experimental results from other groups, whether you copy yourself or let someone else copy. That said, we encourage you to discuss course material widely with your fellow students within and across groups. 


We will be using Piazza as our main discussion board. You are responsible for reading all postings made by me or the TAs. Please use Piazza to ask questions about assignments and course lecture materials so that everyone can benefit.


Course announcements will arrive through Piazza. Aside to that, this course website is required reading. It contains essential material and will be updated throughout the semester. Please use Piazza whenever possible to ask questions about course material. For personal questions, email me to Please include "CSC2525" in the subject line along with your full name. If you do not hear back quickly, we are always available during office hours to help.


The University of Toronto is committed to accessibility. If you require accommodations or have any accessibility concerns, please visit Accessibility Services as soon as possible.

Course schedule

We hope this course will get you excited about research. For students who excel in this course and seek research opportunites, check out my home page and get in touch. 

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